What Are The Benefits Of Tankless Water Heater?

Feb 16, 2019 |

Although it has been around for some time, there are still many people out there wondering whether they should replace their old water tank heater with a tankless one. Well, in this article, we are going to enumerate the benefits of tankless heaters.

If you have a tank heater in your home you already know it’s taking up space because of the tank that needs to be filled with hot water, which then goes through your pipes. It’s okay if you don’t mind the tank, but if you want some extra space in your basement, get a tankless heater.

The way it works is this: The heating system inside the wall-mounted box heats the water and releases it so long as you keep the faucet on. It’s basically releasing hot water on demand. And because it’s on-demand, you can have an unlimited supply of hot water.

It is possible to have hot showers for as long as five hours, although it’s not something we recommend.

what is the best electric tankless water heater

Another benefit to having a tankless water heater is the savings. If you have a gas-powered model, you can save close to $90 per year and on an electric model, $44. It may not seem like much but when you consider that best heaters typically last 20 years (tank models last only ten or less), it does add up.

There are many tankless gas models out there at different price ranges and capabilities. Take a look at the product information. What you want to look for is information on its heating capacity. There are certain models out there that can support two showers or more. And there are those that support only single-person living.

There are many models out there and you are actually spoilt for choices. As you are shopping, though, make sure you talk to the product information officer.

When you’re ready to install a commercial issues, make sure to have a few thousand dollars with you.

In the past – like ten years ago – it cost $1,500 to $3,000 to install. Depending on your home, you may need to spend an extra $5,000 for the rewiring of your home.

You think it’s expensive? Consider it an upgrade in your lifestyle and overall quality of life. With a tank heater, the heated water does lose its heat when traveling through pipes or when it’s been sitting in the tank for too long.

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